Sunday, April 7, 2013

What I'll get for my Mother this Mother's Day.

My relationship with my mother isn't the greatest mother-daughter relationship in the world. In fact, I hated my mum when I was younger. She always scolded me when I fell sick, was always so strict with me in terms of academic progress and behaviour wise. I even thought of escaping from home when I was in my teens! I didn't grow to appreciate my mum until I went overseas for studies. I saw tears welling up my mother's eyes the day she sent me at the airport. She was trying very hard not to cry because she  knew I'd cry too if she had. That was the first moment I started missing this woman of my life.

Mothers are by nature, naggy. Yes, that's the word I would use, because even after marriage, she would nag at me at times- are you planning to have a child? Eat properly, don't drive too fast, blah blah blah... I never blame her. I have learnt to enjoy this 'attention'. Haha!

So, what should I get her this Mother's day? Probably a bouquet of orchids or even a pot of them, since she loves them! I'm always amazed at how beautiful her pots of orchids bloom. She makes growing orchids such an easy job that I would always wonder why people are complaining that theirs simply won't bloom.

Carnations aren't the only flowers to give to your mothers during Mother's day. Check this article out and you'll realise that we can also give so much more, from roses to tulips, from irises to orchids, etc. In fact, Mother's Day shouldn't be the only time we give flowers or gifts to our mothers. They have  been taking care of us 24/7, no rest day since the day we were born! Mother's Day should just be one of the days we appreciate their hard work, like how we would appreciate them any other days.

Point to note: regardless of what we present to this important lady of our lives, we should present it with LOVE! This, I totally agree with the article.

So, start thinking of what and how to appreciate this important woman!

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